
Art Contest: PSL Greeting Card (2025)

Spread Love through your ART

We are looking for your original designs of our next People Spread Love greeting card. Your design will be included in our PSL Starter Kits. The winners will win cash prizes (see below – broken into age groups, adults and kids). The 1st place winners will have their name credited on the cards, we’ll also happily tag you on social media and you’ll will receive a dozen of their unique printed designs.

2024 Winners

🏆 Adult Winners!

1. “Love and Cuddles” by Reagan Henderson, Pineville, LA
2. “Love and Friendship” by Farnaz Nadim, Southern CA
3. “Love and Be Loved” by Margaret Capellan, Las Vegas, NV

🏆 Kid Winners!

1. “Love and Gardening” by Afreen Shaik, 16, Middletown, DE
2. “Love and Cats” by Elliott DeVine, 6, Victor, ID
3. “Love and Care” by Mina Nguyen, 10, Fairfax, VA

3rd Annual PSL Starter Kit program

People Spread Love - Greeting Card Art Contest 2025

Contest Parameters:

  1. Theme: “Be the Kind in Human Kind.”
  2. Greeting cards:
    Size: 4″x6″ or 5″x7″
  3. All mediums are welcome.
  4. Design with your heart with any style and medium (like we always say, you can’t spread love wrong).
  5. No age limit to who can contribute!
  6. The Top 5 Designs will be chosen by our Board Members and voted on social media.
  7. *NEW* Cash Prizes:
    Adults: 18+

    – 1st place: $200 + 12 greeting cards paired with envelopes
    – 2nd place: $75
    – 3rd place: $50
    Kids: 0-17 years
    – 1st place: $100 + 12 greeting cards paired with envelopes
    – 2nd place: $80
    – 3rd place: $40
  8. The deadline to receive artwork by April 20, 2025.
  9. Email your submission to with your name, age, location, and title of the artwork.

Thank you for your interest in People Spread Love. Without your love and support, this organization would not exist.