Photo: Lucy, Jackie & Lyla giving “FREE Hugs” at Baltimore Farmer’s Market
We love giving “FREE Hugs,” and we were inspired by the aftermath of the Pulse Night club mass shooting in June 2016 when we witnessed on the news that Brian Alvear started a hugging campaign called “Hugs not Hate” after his sister Amanda and her friend Mercedes Flores, both from Haines City, were killed in the Pulse nightclub shooting last June, along with 47 other victims. It touched our hearts, and we thought, “that’s a great idea.”
This gesture is an invitation for vulnerability and connection. When we hold out a sign that offers Free Hugs, it exposes ourselves, it invites people to meet us where they are and where we are with open arms. Guards are down, and hope for a better world is possible.
Did you know that hugs are good for your health?
- Improves sleep
- Reduces reactivity to stress
- Increases physical and emotional well-being
- Helps fight off infections

Are you interested in starting a “FREE Hugs” in your community?
It’s so easy, here are the steps to take:
- Get poster board(s) from the Dollar Store, bigger than 8.5 x 11″ and stiff so you can hold it without it drooping down.
- Get bright and bold markers; best to get thick markers so passersby can see it from far away. (The best quality is from Crayola)
- Sketch out what you will write on your poster board; here are some sayings we use:
Abrazo Gratis
Câlins Gratuits - Hashtags, perhaps: #peoplespreadlove #hugsnothate — Just a couple of great ways to anchor into your why or what. Some folks ask if you are part of a group, you are welcome to use the PSL umbrella.
- Recruit some friends to join you. You can be braver in numbers.
- Broad daylight events are great places for these “FREE Hugs” sessions, like Farmer’s Markets or outdoor festivals.
- Never force a hug. Let the passersby read your sign. Smile and hold up your poster. When we let folks approach us, it’s on their terms based on their comfort level. Some people don’t feel comfortable hugging strangers. That’s certainly okay.
- If you get a hug, try to make it a heart hug! A heart hug is when your hearts are pressed against one another, so your left shoulder is hugging towards their left side.
- Wish them a beautiful day, whether you receive/give a hug. A shared smile is a great way to pass on love and kindness!
- If you have extra posters, invite folks to join you, even if briefly.
- Ask for someone to take a photo of you and your friends giving hugs. When we post these photos, it may inspire others to do the same. When we share, we can encourage endless possibilities of connection.
Interested in giving “FREE Hugs” in your community?
Feel free to reach out to PSL with any questions you might have for us.
It’s all about spreading love and kindness in the community.
Want to join a “FREE Hugs” group? Baltimore, Maryland, is looking for some; email Jackie.
People Spread Love Programs
People Spread Love is comprised of two programs, Meet and Make events both public and private and our PSL Starter Kit program. PSL also preforms acts of kindness campaigns and hopes to expand on that to further reach and impact more often.