“Only in darkness can you see the stars.” ⭐🌠🌌

Hello beautiful people,
I realized we haven’t sent out a newsletter or written a blog post in a couple of months. I just want you to know that we are so pleased that 2019 is here and that you exist in the world. For some of us it’s been a rough start but I want you to know that I’m optimistic that with 11 months left in the year things will turn up.

On Monday, January 21st we will honor that incredible human that walked this earth with an important role; to remind us that we are valuable. With our voice and through nonviolent action we can create change we want to see in the world. With elegant words and peaceful demonstration Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr stood up for racial equality in the United States.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
1929 – 1968
gov’t shutdown
Have you looked into the resources in your community? So many organizations and businesses have been truly supportive to those affected by this partial government shutdown that has now going on to it’s 5th week. If you live in the Jackson, WY area here is a list of available resources in the area that the Chamber of Commerce has compiled.
Does the government shutdown affect you?
Please know that you loved and valued and that it will be okay.
thank you

Thank you, Nikki Foster (sister and friend of Heather DeVine) has donated to People Spread Love a way to make donating so much easier. When you attend a Meet + Make event simply use our DipJar to do so with a debit/credit card. With a friendly little chime, you can donate right on the spot to help PSL operating expenses and other brilliant and loving ideas to spread love nationwide with you in mind! xo.
upcoming meet + make events

We will be at the Slow Foods Winter’s People’s Market at Teton Co. Fairground Building in Jackson, WY
Sat, Feb 9th
@ 1-4pm

Card Making for New Parents
with It Takes a Valley- Community building for parents and tots in the Tetons
Thurs, March 21st
at Jackson Whole Grocer
@ 6-8pm