Who Needs Love

This love request list is updated monthly. For privacy concerns we only post first names and circumstances. If you wish for your request to be completely private, please let us know and we will honor that request.

** NOTE ** You are required to review and sign our Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement prior to any access to confidential information that pertain to volunteering with People Spread Love.

>> To reveal their last names and addresses, click here to see password protected requests.

Love Requests

Sarah Inama

Sarah is a middle school teacher at Lewis and Clark Middle School in Meridian, Idaho. She was asked by Ada School District to take down a classroom poster that had “Everyone is Welcome Here” with multi-racial hands raised with hearts on each hand. The argument was that it could be a controversial poster based on the current administration. At first Sarah took it down but the following day put it back up. She said: “There are only two opinions on this sign: Everyone is welcome here, or not everyone is welcome here.”

She refused to remove the poster again even at the risk of losing her job.

More here: nbcnews.app.link/adQkJDMkORb

“Everyone is Welcome Here” (Sarah Inama’s classroom poster)

What kind of love they need?
Love, encouragement, thanking her for standing up against taking down this message of love.

Delivery Directions:
Lewis and Clark Middle School
4141 East Pine Ave
Meridian, ID 83642

Salam Scouts

Nawal, Mariyah & the Salam Scouts

Nawal A. started “Salam Scouts” – the scout organization formulated after her former Girl Scout troop 149 in St. Louis received push back from the Girls Scouts of Missouri, asking them to stop their bracelet fundraising campaign to a humanitarian nonprofit Palestine Children’s Relief Fund (https://www.pcrf.net/), in support of the children in Gaza suffering during war time.

“The girls decided that they would not participate in cookie season because they didn’t feel comfortable doing so when children [in Gaza] were starving, being bombed, and tragically hurt and killed,” said former troop leader Nawal A.

Listen to Nawal’s interview with NPR: https://www.stlpr.org/show/st-louis-on-the-air/2025-02-28/st-louis-based-salam-scouts-empowers-young-muslims-to-be-agents-of-change

What kind of love do they need?

These loving and compassionate girls and troop leaders deserve kindness and applause for their eagerness to spread love and kindness to the people in Gaza.

We wish you great success with “Salam Scouts” and the continued road towards love and peace to all.

What can you tell us about them?

Nawal and her daughter, Mariyah Abdelbaset are true leaders and agents of change.


I have 3 children with my narcissistic ex-husband. He has been poisoning their minds about me for the last decade. When the kids were young they used to come crying to me telling me the stuff their dad says but that they cannot plug their ears otherwise they get in trouble.

I’ve really tried to parent and raise them right regardless of this. It hasn’t worked and they hate me. They wish for me to die, call me names and cursing in my face. I try to keep a cool but my oldest called me a very vulgar name and as he has graduated and is 18 I had him leave my home. Now the other 2 are behaving similar and it’s getting harder and harder to be their mom with such hatred, God knows I’ve tried.

I have had multi organ falling for months now spending multiple days in the multiple with multiple visits they just get upset if I ask them to do anything.

After I left my ex husband I bought a house so the kids would always have a home. They have no respect for it and goes so far to say that me not cleaning or cooking (just that multiple organ failure thing) should be against the law. I don’t want to live like this. I want to be healthy and go to work and take care of my house and everything in it. I want my kids happy and healthy and respectful. I’m just so tired.

What kind of love do they need?

I could use prayers and advice on how to navigate parenting teenagers from a split household. Bonus if one parent is a classic narcissist.

What can you tell me about them?

Really normal Christian Montana woman trying her damnest to raise her children right. Sick with organ failure and feeling very alone.


This is my husband Brian he was recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and recently went through chemo and radiation which was very uncomfortable and painful for him and ended up having a tracheotomy done he’s not doing very well i don’t know how much longer I have with him we’ve been together for 10 years. He’s very weak and can’t really do too much so he doesn’t really do much but sleep and lay down in the bed. He can no longer consume liquids and solid food orally so now he’s forced to consume food through a feeding tube in his stomach. He always says he’s good but I know him better than anybody including himself, he’s not and honestly he’s giving up and at this point he’s just waiting for the day that he won’t wake up and I want him to know that he’s loved.

What kind of love do they need?

He just needs a nice unexpected surprise of love. Something to make at least one of his days less gloomy. He’s not religious he’s a goof ball, something funny that will make him laugh but something heartfelt that will make him cry with the feeling of knowing he’s loved.

What can you tell me about them?

Brian is a HUGE and that’s putting it lightly, but fan of Spider-Man and he’s completely obsessed with Vans shoes/brand. He’s pretty simple he loves coloring. He loves the color blue and he loves the pattern wolfbane and he’s obsessed with ties yes like what you wear with suits.

Update as of 2/5/2025 – Rachel has just passed away.
Read her “goodbye” Instagram post

Let’s shift this Love Request to her husband and son, both their names are David. Please still use the below information to steer a love and compassion to her favorite guys.


Rachel has been fighting with breast cancer for 9 years and recently fighting against liver cancer. She recently shared on your Instagram page that she is done fighting. She wants to focus on making memories with her son and husband. It’s so hard especially around the holidays. She may have weeks or months, she doesn’t know.

What kind of love do they need?

Kindness, comfort

What can you tell me about them?

Her favorite flower is Tulips. Evil eye is her favorite thing in the world. She’s was a pediatric nurse. She’s a mama of one beautiful little boy, David, named after her husband. She’s loyal to the bone, Cares so much for others, even when she’s going through everything. She put together a care self for people going through treatment so they could have some self care items after their tough treatments.

She loves country music, rap, pop and party songs!


She just went through a terrible break up and she’s now a single Mom of 2, adorable, lovely kiddos!

What kind of love do they need?
I want her to know that she is LOVED! She always has me, as her friend, by her side, to vent to and support her! We are her family too! She is so strong and doesn’t have to go through this alone!

What can you tell me about this person?
Words of encouragement and silly jokes! Something like men stink and woman roar! 🤣 Anything like that. 🥰

The Right Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde

The Right Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde gave a sermon at President Trump’s inauguration pleading him to be merciful to the LGBTQ+ and immigrant communities as he gets back into office. There was a lot of backlash since.

What kind of love do they need?
Send the Bishop love and support despite the backlash she’s been receiving. She remains consistent with her message of peace and love.

Delivery directions:
Episcopal Church House
Mount St. Alban
Washington, DC 20016-5094

Blaine & Franny

Blaine contracted a rare form of pneumonia that made its way deep into his lungs while he was traveling with his wife Franny in Todos Santos, Mexico. They were rushed to Cabo via an ambulance. They were able to drain the infected fluid from his lungs. This will not be an easy road to recovery but they are remaining positive as they go back home to Todos Santos for now. A recent CAT scan showed there was damage to his lung wall. There is a chance his body can naturally break it down with more medication, breath work, short walks an anti-inflammatory diet, and the power of intention/visualization/prayer. The other option is lung surgery. They will go back for another CAT scan in a few days to see what next steps need to be made.

They are so grateful for the financial assistance, hugs, songs, prayers, love, meaningful words that their loving community has provided them to help cover their medical costs.

They are doing their best to stay positive among this difficult diagnosis in a foreign country without medical coverage.

Read updates on his GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-blaines-urgent-medical-recovery

See Blaine’s Instagram Live with updates just 2 days ago: https://www.instagram.com/p/DDxRjV8ykfE/?hl=en

What kind of love do they need?
Encouragement, kindness

What can you tell me about them?
Blaine and Franny are the sweetest people on earth. They are both ambitious, strong, kind, community-centered, loving, all of the good words possible.

They love to ski, hike, climb, surf, travel, experience life together, and help people.


Jeremy is undergoing extensive medical treatment in Chicago with his wife and daughters to support him.

What kind of love do they need?
Kindness, positive messages, healing energy, Words of encouragement for both Jeremy, his wife, and his daughters as they fight this battle for his health together.

What can you tell me about them?
Jeremy and his wife are both quiet, unassuming, hard workers trying to live a simple life in Wyoming but don’t have much family nearby.


Bonnie’s husband, Barry passed away after a lengthy battle with cancer. His cancer began after retiring from a lengthy career serving the public in law enforcement. He will be greatly missed by his supportive wife Bonnie and all of their family members.

What kind of love do they need?

Comfort and kindness. Your husband has been an inspiration and an encouragement to anyone who has known him.

What can you tell me about them?

Bonnie’s husband, Barry served the Wyoming people for decades as a trooper with the Wyoming Highway Patrol in the Rock Springs area. He and his wife Bonnie own Red White Buffalo in Green River, a store showcasing Wyoming made items and supporting the artists of Wyoming.

Barry’s Obituary: https://www.vasefuneralhomes.com/obituary/barry-tippy


His wife recently passed.

What kind of love do they need?

LDS based grief support, compassion, words of encouragement and reassurance that everything is going to be okay.

What can you tell me about them?

Hardworking, devoted husband and father, true cowboy, enjoys a simple life.


My mother recently passed away.

What kind of love do they need?

Non-religious advice on handling grief, hope, and coping mechanisms.

What can you tell me about them?

Loves books, cats, gardening, beautiful flowers.


Anja lost the love of her life, Henry, her husband, her bff in November due to a heart failure. Anja is a happy go lucky person with such a love of life but she feels lost without Henry. Henry and Anja have a blended family with several adult children and many grandchildren, the youngest only 10 years old. Their family is spread across the Netherlands, the U.K. and the U.S.

What kind of love do they need?

Anja needs words of encourage to go on without Henry. Christmas wont be the same without Henry. She feels desperate and so sad. She knows she needs to be strong but she doesn’t feel strong yet. She has lots of love and support from her children but they are also grieving and miss their father and their grandfather, their Opa.

What can you tell me about them?

Anja is in her mid 60s, she is funny and always loves a good laugh. She is a practical joker herself. She knows there is a God but is not religious or spiritual. Jokes and words of encouragement will touch her heart. She’s not an elderly lady but a teenager at heart.

Lorie & Lily

Losing her husband, Jeremy to suicide has been a seemingly unbearable loss. Their sweet girl, Lily (7 years old) has kept life moving forward for Lorie. Jeremy’s spirit will live on in Lily. They will remember the best parts of him as they journey through the future.

Lorie and Jeremy met in 2007 in the Tetons. They married in 2011, welcomed their daughter into the world in 2017. They exchanged mountain life for the blue waters of Lake Michigan in 2021.

What kind of love do they need?
They need compassionate words as they step onto a road without Lorie’s husband and Lily without her father.


I feel alone.

I have had a terrible year I lost my brother to suicide and it’s been tough.

What kind of love do they need?



My Mother got major surgery for a hiatal hernia and had every organ on her body operated on.

I would say I know making life style changes is difficult but you are a fighter. Think about all the memories you will share with Violet.

What kind of love do they need?
She is a wonderful person that lights up the room. Full of energy. Everyone loves her. She is the best grandmother and mother.

Hilary, Camden & Cadence

Hilary lost her husband and Camden and Cadence lost their father in a tragic motorcycle accident in the Palisades Reservoir in June. His name was Jaremy, he was beloved by everyone who knew him. He was a family man, a talented performing artist and musician, and a successful business owner of a tile company. Jaremy loved watching his kids excelling in sports and activities, going on outdoor adventures like camping and boating with family and friends. He was loving and caring, he was charming, and his laugh was absolutely infectious. Jaremy lived large, embracing life and love packed into the short 47 years that he lived.

What kind of love do they need?
Compassion and comfort for his wife, Hilary and two teenagers, Camden and Cadence. If you knew Jaremy, share memories of him. If you know Hilary or the kids, share kind words and comfort. The grieving process never ends and they will forever miss their husband and father. Even if you didn’t know them, feel free to send them some love.


Jess’s sister has Huntington’s disease. She’s already in a facility to help her with her medical condition. Jess feels immense stress, sadness and helplessness surrounding her sister and her relationship with her. There were words that weren’t said to repair her relationship with her. A lot of hurt is associated with her. She wishes she could have made amends with her when she was healthier and had the ability to fully understand her.

What kind of love do they need?
Compassion, understanding, comfort, hugs

Reminder that she is a kind loving person, that she doesn’t need to hold on to those feelings of guilt, that her being here now for her is enough.

What can you tell me about them?
Jess wasn’t raised with a lot of outward expressions of love. As an adult she is realizing how much that means to her. She’s very generous with her time and energy. She loves to bake cakes for friends and her artistry is incredible! She’s a great gift giver, very thoughtful.


The person who would like some love is myself. I am alone, isolated in need of meaningful love and validation.

What kind of love do they need?
That I am worthy. I have a purpose and meaningful things to share. I am thoughtful caring and kind. I am a giving person. Words of encouragement, inspiration, loving and supportive.

I am a wonderful father. I am a beekeeper. I like to share my knowledge and experiences with others. I am helpful and supportive.


I need love because I’m going through a lot.

What kind of love do they need?
Support, kindness


My husband is my best friend. We’ve have been together forever and we have two sons together, one with autism.

What kind of love do they need?
Appreciation, kindness.

“I love you for being my best friend”

Josh, Kjera, Kyrie & Auggie

Josh, Kjera and their two kids, Kyrie and Auggie were in a terrible car accident where they flipped. Josh sustained the brunt of the injuries. After arriving at the hospital, he underwent surgery for a severe neck fracture. Alongside the fracture, he suffered a brain bleed, bruised spleen, collapsed artery and broken shoulder.

Auggie (13) sustained a concussion and back fracture, while Kyrie (4) walked away with just a scrape. Their mom had primarily “blunt force” bruising from the force of her seat belt and airbags.

Josh quickly recovered from the brain bleed and internal injuries, which was nothing short of miraculous.

What kind of love do they need?
Kindness, love, healing words, encouragement, prayers, jokes to lighten things up.

What can you tell me about them?

Josh and Kjera are part of an improv group called Laff Staff that entertains the community year in and out. They are both a light that brings joy and kindness by just being their energetic and silly selves.

See their GoFundMe here: www.gofundme.com/f/support-the-griffith-familys-recovery-journey


Alice was recently diagnosed with pneumonia. She was moved to the ICU, heavily sedated on a ventilator and being fed with a tube. She doesn’t understand what’s happened to her and you can’t communicate with her so she can understand. Alice has been intellectually disabled her whole life. When her sedation lowered she’s very upset and wanted to remove her restraints and get out of there.
Now she is home but in bed resting much of the day.

What kind of love do they need?

Send her beautiful things like kitties, puppies, colorful things, flowers, anything to bring a smile to her face. Let her know that she’s loved.

What can you tell me about them?

Alice is a very special person, and has always been extraordinary. She’s loving and kind. Her parents have always taken care of her up until her parents entered their senior years they couldn’t offer the same kind of care they once could. Include her mother in this note of love too, her name is Louise. She lost her husband and her beloved partner, Victor to Alzheimer’s years ago and she misses him deeply.


Christina recently lost her younger sister and best friend, Allison to a tragic boating accident in the Bahamas.

What kind of love they need?
Comfort, kind words during this painful grief of losing a sister and her best friend

What can you tell me about them?
Christina and Allison are two years apart in age. They ran track together in high school, remained close through there entire life. Laughter was always a part of their relationship, always goofing off together.

More about Allison: Allison was well-loved by all she knew and was a brilliant woman who will be fondly remembered for her warmth, beauty, loving nature, loyalty, humor, creativity, athleticism and culinary skills.

Tyke & Abbey

Recently, Tyke was diagnosed with kidney cancer and needs surgery immediately. With such unexpected news, they need our prayers and support more than ever. See his GoFundMe page.

What kind of love do they need?
Kindness, positive messages, healing energy, Christian centered messages, Words of encouragement for both Tyke and Abbey, pretty images for Via

What can you tell me about them?
Tyke is the most positive and caring person I’ve ever met. He continues to be so, no matter what challenges come his way. He is a devoted husband to Abbey and a loving father to his beautiful daughter Via, who just turned one this year.


Anfal is struggling with her mental health. The medication that has helped in the past has stopped working. This has resulted in months of volatility and currently hospitalization. Mental health issues in children are extremely difficult!

What kind of love do they need?
Anfal needs joy. She needs reminded that even though right how is hard, life is worth living. I would tell Anfal, her unique gifts and talents are very needed in the world. I would remind her that all people are individuals and she is wonderful because she is unique. I would remind her that it is possible to find health.

What can you tell me about them?
Anfal is a delightful little girl. She has written a PSL letter every time a booth is present where she is. Anfal is an artist! Anfal is an entrepreneur, she makes jams, perfumes and leather work. Anfal is smart! Anfal’s name comes from the Quran.


Recently my husband lost his mom and I feel like he can use some love.

What kind of love do they need?
I would like to remind them they are loved.

What can you tell me about them?
He’s the sweetest guy I know.


Lisa was recently was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She starts treatment this week, her and her husband Ted need all the love and support they can get. I figured what a wonderful way to show them our love.

What kind of love do they need?
I believe she needs encouragement and a reminder that she is strong and that she will fight this diagnosis.

Also silly jokes maybe since she will be getting chemo for 7 hrs a day she can read something funny possibly.

What can you tell me about them?
Lisa and her husband run the restaurant at the Flying Saddle in Alpine Wyoming. They pretty much work a lot. I do know that they love Florida, beaches, they have a dog. I don’t know much about Lisa but I know she loves flowers. And her favorite team is the Seattle Seahawks.


Meghan was recently diagnosed with ALS at the age of 38.  
ALS, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Kahn’s diagnosis has affected one of her legs, making her limp, and the disease’s progression will soon require her to be in a wheelchair, forcing her family to have to move to an ADA-accessible home, among other life changes.

What kind of love do they need?
Meghan and her family can use words of encouragement, silly jokes, inspiring quotes, beautiful pictures and thoughtful letters.

What can you tell me about them?
I grew up with Meghan–we graduated high school together, and worked a summer job together during college. She has always been extremely kind, considerate, and cares about anyone she meets. Meghan is a passionate and talented elementary school teacher in Portland, Oregon. Her beautiful, young family is made up of her husband Jonathan, son Ari (9) and daughter Sloan (6). Meghan loves the Oregon Ducks, she loves to ski, travel, and any adventure outdoors!

Watch a video telling Meghan’s unique story, living with ALS:

** NOTE ** You are required to review and sign our Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement prior to any access to confidential information that pertain to volunteering with People Spread Love.

>> To reveal their last names and addresses, click here to see password protected requests.

Reach out to hello@peoplespreadlove.com to express interest in our programs and how we can collaborate to make the world a much kinder and compassionate place.