– Connie H.

“Here is just a sample of the beautiful, handmade cards offering me the power of their prayers for me as I journeyed my way through chemotherapy. These people, who were once total strangers to me, became very important friends sending me their love and prayers. As I read each individual card, I could feel the love and support. I couldn’t have totally done it without them as they spread their love.”
– Carol
Front Royal, VA
“I’ve personally witnessed how much receiving these love bundles can mean to people.
Thank you for all that you do!”
– Vanessa M-S.
“I can attest to the power of these notes. They are amazing “notes of love.” Keep up the awesome work. There are so many people that could use this in their lives. Thank you for doing this.”
Dave H.
North Carolina
“I can’t tell you how much we loved the cards that were dropped off. My Mom would have loved them. If she had the opportunity to see them she would have been busy writing a reply to each and every one of them.”
– Carol’s son,
Redmond, Oregon
(Carol passed away before she was able to receive the latest parcels)

“I was fortunate enough to receive to PSL packages from Jackson and Boston. They came during one of the most difficult phases of treatment and scraped me off the floor when I was a puddle of nothing. I have personally felt the power of these cards. I was never a person that thought I needed a lot of external support until those letters came. Thank you.”
– Kristin,
Raleigh, North Carolina
“I am one of the house bound people who received your thoughtful, oh so tasteful card on Valentine’s Day.
It’s a keeper and is displayed in a special place in my room. I received the one with the watercolor hearts and Eleanor Roosevelt’s wonderful saying about beautiful old people.
I am a beautiful old person and I can’t thank you enough for reminding me of this.
Thank you so much for your kind spirit.
The light in me sees the light in you!”
– Mary Ann,
Jackson, Wyoming

“The handmade cards in my care package are not only beautiful but the sentiments expressed in them are amazingly heartfelt and genuinely kind. Thank you so very much, they made my day!”
– Lindsay,
Waldorf, Maryland

Twice I have received the most amazing sets of cards from my most amazing sister-in-law, Lisette that have literally brought me to tears and have given me more hope in these 2 days than I have had in a very long time.
Consider me your newest member of this beautiful movement and I will encourage others to do the same.”
– Tamika,
Sanford, Florida
“I received all the homemade cards today from Jackson, Wyoming. So nice and so sweet. I had to stop reading b/c I started crying. Thanks to all of those kind people for thinking of me.”
– Michelle,
Redding, California

“We received SO much love and support from our community, but I have to tell you, one of the things that stands out the most to me from all that has come our way since losing Brooks is 2 different packages of cards from People Spread Love. My heart was truly touched and moved when I opened this package of handmade cards with such personal notes written by complete strangers. It reminded me in some of my darkest times, that there is good in the world, and there are wonderful people in the world! I was just in love with the idea behind People Spread Love and after our firsthand experience receiving some love from you all, I can say how very important your organization is.”
– Jamie & Josh,
Cody, Wyoming

“How kind of you to send these love cards. The message is much appreciated. Thank you and keep up the good work. An encouraging word and token of love can mean a lot to a lonesome soul when grieving a broken heart or just down on one’s luck.”
– Martina,
Berlin, Maryland
“I cannot tell you enough how grateful we are for that package it seemed to come at the perfect time we needed a dose of love right then and my oldest daughter was just over the moon. She went through and read each and every card and cannot even begin to tell you how she just lit up with each card. It really touched her heart too and that was amazing for me to watch as her mom.”
– Jessica,
Ponchatoula, Louisiana

“This program is amazing. I personally benefited this summer from the organization. On one of my moms chemo days when she wasn’t feeling well she received a big envelope in the mail full of love. There were a dozen or more letters, sweet notes, words of encouragement, personal stories and bursts of hope. Some were from strangers all over the country wishing my mom the best of luck with her cancer fight. Some were from my own students!!! They told my mom jokes about me and it completely made her laugh and cry all at the same time.
I wasn’t here when VOICE had their day of creating because I was in Oklahoma but I know they ate this up. These kids have so much love and inspiration to share and this was a beautiful outlet for that.”
– Abby,
Driggs, Idaho

“McKenna was pleased to receive her cards — they made her day, her mom says.”
– McKenna’s mom
Centreville, Virginia

“When I came home today I saw a packet with the mail. As I opened it these colorful handmade cards of encouragement, love and light spilled out. Not only were they beautiful but they were sent from strangers. To say I was touched is putting it mildly. What you guys are doing here is one of the most inspiring endeavors I’ve ever seen. Today I felt like I wasn’t a singular person in the bubble of her struggle but instead that I was truly apart of the world in a way I’ve never experienced. Thank you and keep up the good work!!!”
– Katrina
Brooklyn, New York
“I was a recipient to these ‘love letters.’ What an unselfish and loving group of young people. Just when we think the world has lost its way, we are reminded that there are loving caring unselfish people out there giving service to those they do not know. Those letters have been just what I needed on the tough days. May God bless all of you! And I will pay it forward!”
– Patty
Jackson, Wyoming
“I want to take a moment to say thank you for your thoughtfulness in orchestrating all those wonderful, hand-crafted cards for my mother. She loved them all..”
– Ingrid
Rockville, Maryland
“What a nice concept! We always try to spread love ourselves, so it was wonderful to receive it as well.
– Victor & Louise
A big hug to you and to everyone that contributed a big THANK YOU!”
Dayton, Ohio
“A dear friend of mine just shared with me the cards you helped arrange for her, from many kind persons.
I just wanted to say thank you. I read your site and your outreach and think you are doing a wonderful deed in this world.”
– Anonymous