Hooray, to spreading more love into the world! <3Let’s do this!! (Source: https://embed-ssl.ted.com/)
Hooray, to spreading more love into the world! <3Let’s do this!! (Source: https://embed-ssl.ted.com/)
A “meet and make” is exactly what it sounds like, you meet and you make! 🙂 First off, there are no rules. You can’t ever organize something like this wrong, but here are some cool pointers to keep in mind. Prior to scheduling out a “meet and make” we will insure you have the “love request” submission(s) in […]
Just to recap, “People Spread Love” is a movement that acknowledges people in our communities that need more love. The community then collectively puts together “notes of love” – whether that be a card, a note, a poem, words of encouragement, a drawing, the intention is to send love. The community then sends them to the person […]