People Spread Love Programming:
Our programming has evolved since 2015 but the fundamentals remain the same. The intention with People Spread Love is to shed a light on those facing adversity all over the country and taking action to respond with love and compassion by written form.
There are similarities to our formatting, with some tweaks depending on engagement and age group.
See the format we follow below of all ages;

Children (K-3): We ask the kids “what does your parents say to you when they want to comfort you when you don’t feel well?” They think on it and then arms shoot up in the air with great enthusiasm. Children are in tune with what it means to be thoughtful of others. (5-10 minutes to discuss)
Then craft notes of love together. It is less important that the kids write something then to just put love and energy in crafting and drawing.
Children (4-8): We ask the kids what it means to express “empathy” to others. This word is often mistaken for sympathy but those are two completely didn’t words. Watch a Brené Brown video (approx. 3 mins) that explains the difference between them. (10-15 minutes to discuss)
Empathy vs. Sympathy Exercise: Kids group up and sort phrases/responses that could be categorized in either empathy, sympathy or any where on the spectrum. The kids discuss together and then share with the rest of the class.
Introduce People Spread Love, how it began, mission and vision. Then craft notes of love together.

CHILDREN (9-12): We ask the kids what it means to express “empathy” to others. This word is often mistaken for sympathy but those are two completely didn’t words. Watch a TEDX Talk about Empathy (approx. 10 mins) and the powers of how it can change the world.
Open discussion on what came through for them on this video. What can we all relate to in this concept of empathy for others? Do you know someone in your life struggling? (10 minutes to discuss and share)
Introduce People Spread Love, how it began, mission and vision. Then craft notes of love together. Then craft notes of love together.
Adults: We introduce People Spread Love, how it began, their mission and vision. Explains the impact that PSL has had for over 6 years. The impact of compassion for others, even and especially complete strangers.
We ask the adults who knows what “empathy” means to them.
Optional: Watch TEDX Empathy video (approx 10 mins)
We share statistics on what it is to feel alone and unseen and how that is a real detriment to the human condition. When we feel like we don’t matter, we don’t matter to ourselves. People Spread Love’s intention behind the work is “human connection” and a concept of “universal community” across lines.
Then craft/write notes of love together with time allowed.
Donation-based: Love Ambassador to lead a discussion on Empathy both in the Classroom and with Adults.

Educators, interested in integrating People Spread Love Programming into your Curriculum?
Let’s discuss what we can do to collaborate. Fill out the form below and let’s begin.