When you sponsor People Spread Love you are committing to spreading love and kindness in your community.
Thank you for your interest in being a sponsor to support People Spread Love. Your support allows us to cover the cost of Positive Packages to our monthly Who Needs Love list, kindness opportunities, events, promotions, media relations, and community outreach, and more.
Here are the sponsorship tiers:

Gold Sponsor
12 months: $1,500
- Sponsor logo on peoplespreadlove.com home page – with link to sponsor’s website
- Sponsor logo, with link to sponsor’s website, Sponsor business name, and brief paragraph about the
sponsor, its services – on the peoplepreadlove.com Sponsor Page - Sponsor update – photos and text – on peoplespreadlove.com blog, e-newsletter, and other social media
- Sponsor logo included on insert in the Positive Packages sent out to recipients on our Who Needs Love list – with the Gold level sponsorship you will help us send 1 Mini Positive Package per month, or 6 Luxe Positive Package per year, or 5 Deluxe Positive Packages per year.
- Sponsor logo will appear on promotional items for public events, credited for helping pay for card making supplies, refreshment, postage, etc.
- Your choice of one recipient of the Positive Package out of the calendar year.
- Special Love Sponsorship graphic to share on your social media feed.
- People Spread Love window decal for your place of business.

Silver Sponsor
12 months: $750
- Sponsor logo on peoplespreadlove.com home page – with link to sponsor’s website
- Sponsor logo, with link to sponsor’s website, Sponsor business name, and brief paragraph about the
sponsor, its services – on the peoplepreadlove.com Sponsor Page. - Sponsor update – photos and text – on peoplespreadlove.com blog, e-newsletter, and other social media
- Sponsor logo included on insert in the Positive Packages sent out to recipients on our Who Needs Love list – with the Gold level sponsorship you will help us send 7 Mini Positive Package per year.
- Sponsor logo will appear on promotional items for public events, credited for helping pay for card making supplies, refreshment, postage, etc.
- Special Love Sponsorship graphic to share on your social media feed.

Bronze Sponsor
12 months: $375
- Sponsor name on peoplespreadlove.com home page – with link to sponsor’s website
- Sponsor logo will appear on promotional items for public events, credited for helping pay for card making supplies, refreshment, postage, etc.
- Sponsor’s business name and link to sponsor website appears on Sponsor page.
- Special Love Sponsorship graphic to share on your social media feed.