
2023 PSL Art Contest Winners Announced

🏆 CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR ART CONTEST WINNERS! 🏆 We are so excited to announce the top 3 adult and kid 2023 PSL Art Contest winners! The entries spanned from all over the world which was so cool! Here are the talented winners and their art! 🏆 Adult Winners! 1. “Arty” by Mandy Greear @art_teacher_energy, Seattle, WA2. […]


Art Contest: PSL Greeting Card (2023)

Design with love and compassion We are looking for your original designs of our next People Spread Love greeting card. Your design will be used in our next round of PSL greeting cards order that will be included in our PSL Starter Kits. The winners will win cash prizes (see below – broken into age […]


Gift Giving Ideas with Heart

Are you looking for gift giving ideas with heart this holiday season? We are thrilled to offer the opportunity to give the gift with heart! People Spread Love is a non-profit organization that encourages community members to write notes of love to people facing adversity all over the country and the world. With a tax-deductible […]


How Do You Know When to Submit Love for Someone?

This is a great question. Ever since we began People Spread Love (PSL) in 2015, we knew there was something to it. We all need connection, especially when life’s challenges face us. Here is a guide we wanted to share with the community on navigating when you ask yourself: “how do you know when to submit […]


PSL’s Very First Old Bill’s Fun Run

This will be People Spread Love’s very first Old Bill’s Fun Run! We are thrilled to be able to be a part of this philanthropic event. Old Bill’s Fun Run for those unfamiliar began in 1997, so for 25 years, Mr. and Mrs. Old Bill have inspired thousands to raise millions through this community celebration […]


The “Joy Journal”

We are thrilled to introduce the “Joy Journal” in collaboration with JH Public Art with the shared goal to provide a safe space to self-expression and creativity in a singular journal. The intention behind the journal is for the owner to make it their own. With our collaboration we have come up with many journal […]


PSL Starter Kit Program Ready for Pick-up

Jackson, WY (June 19, 2022) – This spring, People Spread Love (PSL) has organized their pilot project, “PSL Starter Kit Program.” This program empowers community volunteers to participate at home, in the classroom, or in a community setting with basic supplies and necessary instruction to ignite curiosity in this act of writing letters. The kit […]


Love and Positivity to Uvalde and Buffalo Campaign

What can you do when you feel like you can do nothing? We think when something devastating happens to another fellow human being, it’s natural to want to help in some way. But, from our experience, feelings of helplessness often arise.  Lately, we have been asking ourselves, “how can we do anything to make the situations […]


PSL Founder Interview with a 2nd grader

Tim Gruber’s 2nd and 3rd grade class in Mountain Academy in Victor, ID spent little over an hour learning about People Spread Love. As a follow-up a 2nd grader, Freya had questions for Heather DeVine, our Founder and Executive Director. Here are the questions and the answers. Freya) Describe the work you do.  Heather) Hi, […]


Our Children Embody LOVE

On May 24, 2022, another 18-year-old man wielding an automatic weapon this time entered Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, and murdered 19 small children and 2 teachers. It breaks our heart to type yet again another account of mass murder in our country when just over a week ago we all felt the pain […]