Hope for the Holidays
Casa de Paz in Denver, Colorado has been reuniting detained immigrants since 2011. We will be participating Casa de Paz’s annual tradition of making cards for the holidays to those locked behind immigrant detention bars. See all the details below in order to participate in this act of kindness during a time of great uncertainty. Please pay attention to the directions below, they are very specific and we don’t want any of your beautiful cards to be tossed away.
What We Are Doing
This holiday season, you can send a message of hope to someone who is locked behind immigrant detention bars. Hope for the Holidays is Casa de Paz’s annual tradition of making cards and delivering them to detained immigrants, along with a candy bar.
This is a simple and powerful way to remind people they matter, they have not been forgotten, and we care about them.
A Few Things To Keep In Mind
We have been given guidelines from the detention center on what is and is not allowed for each card. To ensure your card is delivered, please follow their guidelines.
Please only write approved greetings in each card. We will deliver cards that contain ONLY the approved greetings to ensure they end up in the hands of the men and women inside the detention center. We understand it would be nice to write in a heart-felt message, but unfortunately we cannot deliver cards with messages other than the approved greetings.
Folks locked in detention are surrounded by white walls and a cold, sterile environment. Let’s decorate the cards with as much color and joy as possible! You can paint, color, draw… whatever you’d like to do to create a card that brings a smile to someone’s face.
Approved Holiday Greetings
We have included English and Spanish greetings. You can include any of these greetings in other languages like Arabic, Chinese, Punjabi, French, German, etc — all languages are appreciated.
Happy Holidays – Felices Fiestas
Merry Christmas – Feliz Navidad
Happy New Year – Feliz Año Nuevo

DOs and DON’Ts
- Do sign the card with “Your Friend” or “Tu Amigo/Tu Amiga”
- Don’t sign the card with your name, organization name or church name
- Don’t put cards in individual envelopes
- Don’t decorate cards with glitter, stickers, tape or staples
Sending Cards
Please send cards to Casa de Paz by December 11.
Casa de Paz
PO Box 111351
Aurora, CO 80042
Candy Bar Donations
We are pairing each card with a candy bar. The candy can only be purchased through the commissary store, so Casa de Paz will coordinate the order through the detention center. If you would like to support this effort, donations for the candy bars can be made here. You can also send cash or a check made out to Casa de Paz, PO Box 111351, Aurora, CO, 80042.