With the grave state of the nations all over the world we need to know what to do in a time like this. Right now the best thing to do is to stay home to help flattening the curve of this COVID-19 virus. In this effort to slow the spread of the virus this has changed all of our lives. The virus is bringing forth so much uncertainty. Children can’t go to school, most people can’t go to work, businesses are closed, concerts and events are cancelled and in denser communities people can’t even step outside.
Since we are all in fact in this together there is a sense of community and connection despite the social distancing. And frankly the term isn’t quite social distancing as much as it’s just physical distancing. We can be as social and emotionally close as we like from a distance (6 ft. or more). Let’s harness this energy by doing something kind for others even just from afar.

Simple steps to participate from your home
This opportunity for parents to expose children to this practice can help them become more compassionate beings. Children already ARE but this sure breaks up the day of home schooling, streaming movies and playing on the iPad.
This is a volunteer activity for ALL AGES.
1. Look at our “Who Needs Love” list on our website.
2. Read and discuss what you want to say to them.
3. Think about if you want to surround a specific craft around this act of love. Be creative. Have fun doing it.
4. Share your cards/letters by taking photos of them and using the #peoplespreadlove #weareallinthistogether
5. Gather the cards/letters and coordinate with your local Love Ambassador to mail them for you OR mail the parcel yourself.
You can let our Founder/Jackson, WY Love Ambassador, Heather DeVine know they are ready and coordinate with her to drop them of at her home or simply mail them to her: PO Box 11061 Jackson, WY 83002. Heather will collect the cards and ensure they go to the love recipients.
Alternatively you can also email Heather at heather@peoplespreadlove.com and she will print them out and include them in the parcels as well.
Other things you can do to help
You can also volunteer to send food to healthcare workers, they are working so hard all over the country to treat our communities. Write a letter to a senior in a local senior living center and the cancer centers. The elderly and people with compromised immune systems are the ones most at risk of perishing from COVID-19.
Our seniors are feeling isolated right now and need some love and support during such a scary time.
Here is an initiative for my friend Grace’s grandfather Norm, check out this Instagram she setup to organize this: Letters for Norm. She is encouraging community members to write to grandparents all over the country to offer comfort and kindness. Great idea, Grace!
Self-care aspect
There are so many kindnesses going on right now throughout the world. Try to listen and read about this. Energize yourself with that. When things go dark we try to find the light. We have a big responsibility to one another. Let’s take this on together.
Make sure to temper your intake of news. There is so much panic going on. Be informed but try to stay calm the best we can do is control ourselves by staying home and keeping our physical distance away from our neighbors.
Much love and good health to all. xo.