What I notice when I do something remotely nice for someone else, I feel good! I have given “Free Hugs” on the Town Square, held up “Gratitude Signs” at the post office and this tremendous nervousness at first sneaks up and then after a while only love and happiness surfaces and because of that, others see that and meet you with the same energy. It’s quite beautiful.

So, September is upon us (where did the time go) and as we inch towards the holidays there can be a real influx of folks that are feeling down that need some lifting up. That’s why around the holidays we kick our random acts of kindness into high gear, like:
+ gratitude signs
+ free hugs
+ the heart reminder
+ high fives
+ pay it forward
+ give strangers a compliment

According to Lara Honos-Webb, Ph.D. “When we help others and do kind acts, it causes our brain to release endorphins, the chemicals that give us feelings of fervor and high spirits — similar to a ‘runner’s high.’
“Doing something nice for someone also gives the brain a serotonin boost, the chemical that gives us that feeling of satisfaction and well-being.”
Have you ever stopped and observed how you feel after you do something kind for someone else (like when you open a door for someone and smile)?