In Time’s Special Edition, 2016

Ellen Seidman writes:
As I grow older, I’m getting more appreciative of the people and creature comforts that make me feel loved and contented. One study estimated that for every 10 years of life, gratitude increases by 5%. And that, the research suggests, is beneficial to our bodies and minds: People who are regularly grateful – who acknowledge the goodness in life and the sources of it – are generally healthier and happier.
Show the Love
Feeling gratitude is only half of the equation – you need to express it to others in order to get the full benefits. You probably say thank you as much as the next decent person, but could you make more time to show it?
- Write a Letter
Penning a note helps us reflect on people’s goodness and show recipients how adored they are. Many researchers suggest you write the letter by hand and deliver it in person if you can. (Mail is also fine, of course.) The act of putting pen to paper can have a profound effect on the sender – and the recipient. Be sure to be specific with your gratitude by sharing in detail how grateful you are to them..

Who will you show gratitude to, today?